Report to the public on the work of the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliations Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force During the Occupation (CIVS) 2022

Abstract : COMPENSATION - Compensation figures - The scale of the spoliations, the extent of the compensation - Bank-related spoliation - Searching for victims’ heirs - Managed litigation - RESTITUTION - Self-referral and restitution of cultural property - Recommended book returns - Restitution, a commitment renewed at the Prague conference (3-4 November 2022) - An approach supported by international cooperation - REMEMBRANCE - German families are reconciling with their past: the example of Audierne - Memorial sequence in Germany (30 june – 2 july 2022) - Giving the floor to key witnesses and supporting families - How the Civs functions and its resources - A commission that renews itself - Strengthening the research function - Developments of - CIVS resources in 2022 - Appendices

Contributeur : CIVS
Déposé le : vendredi 11 août 2023
Dernière modification le : vendredi 11 août 2023


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Report to the public on the work of the Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliations Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force During the Occupation (CIVS) 2022.
Commission pour l'indemnisation des victimes de spoliations intervenues du fait des législations antisémites en vigueur pendant l'Occupation.
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